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Vaginal Rejuvenation Specialist

Chetanna Okasi, MD

OB/GYN located in Columbia, MD & Greenbelt, MD

Are you struggling with vaginal laxity, pain during intercourse, or a decrease in your libido? Then vaginal rejuvenation treatments with the revolutionary Viveve® system with Chetanna Okasi, MD, at Women’s Wellness MD can benefit you. Laser vaginal rejuvenation can help with a wide variety of feminine health issues, including urinary incontinence. Get started on your personalized treatment at the Columbia or Greenbelt, Maryland, clinic locations by requesting an appointment online. You can also call your nearest office directly.

Vaginal Rejuvenation Q & A

How does vaginal rejuvenation work?

The breakthrough technology behind Viveve can restore your vaginal health and minimize all kinds of feminine concerns. Whether you experience vaginal dryness, have loose vaginal skin, or lose a little urine every time you sneeze, Viveve can help.

During your Viveve session, Dr. Okasi inserts the system’s small handheld probe into your vaginal canal. She gently moves it around to treat various areas, including your outer labial skin.

With each pass, Viveve sends waves of radiofrequency energy deep down into your delicate vaginal tissue. This energy heats up tissues, ultimately stimulating the production of new collagen, the essential connective tissue you need to tighten up your skin.

Because new tissues start forming with the help of Viveve, your vaginal canal and surrounding tissues not only become tighter, they’re also restored to their natural, more lubricated state. These effects can resolve a multitude of feminine health concerns, including urinary incontinence and sexual dysfunction, all in a single session.

What does vaginal rejuvenation feel like?

Vaginal rejuvenation sessions with Viveve are so well-tolerated, most women lie back and relax, or even work on their phones during treatments. It’s common to feel some warmth “down there” as your tissues heat up, or slight pressure from the probe itself.

But at no point should you be in pain during your vaginal rejuvenation treatment at Women’s Wellness MD. Viveve technology is so advanced, the system even simultaneously cools your skin, so you don’t have to worry about burning or lingering discomfort.

When will I have results after vaginal rejuvenation?

While you won’t require a lengthy downtime or recovery period with Viveve feminine revitalization sessions, it takes time to experience dramatic results. With each passing day, you’re going to notice gradual improvements in your vaginal wellness. Dr. Okasi finds that most women experience optimal benefits within 4-6 weeks.*

While the state-of-the-art technology behind Viveve can improve your vaginal wellness within a few weeks of just one treatment, you’re still going to continue to age and experience hormonal fluctuations. This is why Dr. Okasi often recommends coming in to Women’s Wellness MD about once a year for maintenance Viveve treatment.

Find out if vaginal rejuvenation with Viveve is right for you by booking a consultation at Women’s Wellness MD. Schedule your visit online or over the phone with either location.

*Individual results may vary.

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